
Rob Fahey,

Recent articles by Rob Fahey

Loot boxes have mostly avoided the hammer of legislation - for now | Opinion

The launch of Diablo Immortal highlights how the momentum has gone out of legislative efforts against loot boxes, but it's far too early to get complacent.

By Rob Fahey

Is there life in the Vita?

Sony seems unenthused about future handhelds - but Vita's success in Asia suggests that a strong regional market still exists for such devices

By Rob Fahey

Blizzard knuckles down on community as Valve fiddles

A few graphs won't fix review bombing and abuse; if Valve wants tips, it could look to the tough decisions and hard work Blizzard is doing on Overwatch

By Rob Fahey

Is Switch what the future of consoles looks like?

Is Nintendo's new platform a one-time gimmick, or an important reinvention of the console for a new market landscape?

By Rob Fahey

Nintendo, Ever the Toy Company

The fate of NES Classic is a reminder that while Nintendo may be a console firm, its DNA remains that of a toy maker

By Rob Fahey

Project Scorpio: Can Microsoft bring the fight back to Sony's doorstep?

Praise for Scorpio's specs is universal, but in many ways that's the easiest part of this journey; MS must now start answering the truly tough questions

By Rob Fahey

Sony will struggle with location-based VR

PSVR is the biggest success story of consumer VR; but Sony's location-based plans will leave it a long way outside its comfort zone

By Rob Fahey

Nintendo's soul-searching on F2P

Super Mario Run was a bold experiment in mobile business models - but the company may not have realised the enormity of the task it was undertaking

By Rob Fahey

Nintendo Switch's path ahead is still unclear

From unwarranted gloom to wild optimism; Nintendo inspires strangely strong emotions in the industry, but we could all do with a dose of balance

By Rob Fahey

Microsoft and Sony set sights on the Netflix model

A subscription service providing ongoing revenue could be a win-win for creators and platform holders; can MS or Sony make this model work?

By Rob Fahey

Can indie games help to sell the Switch?

Nintendo's tentpole releases only come a few times a year. Can a proactive approach to indie developers fill in Switch's scheduling gaps?

By Rob Fahey

Risky Nintendo spooks the markets

Change means taking on risk; unattractive for investors, but unquestionably right for the company long-term

By Rob Fahey

Switch's challenge is unique software, not PS4 competition

Asking why people would buy a Switch over a PS4 is the wrong question; we should ask why PS4 owners would also want to own a Switch

By Rob Fahey

Where are the Xbox One's exclusives?

Scalebound's cancellation draws attention to this year's anaemic Xbox line-up; is this Scorpio's rain shadow, or a more worrying trend?

By Rob Fahey

Super Mario Run's inevitable backlash

Consumers bemoan the $10 price point, other consumers rage against them in turn; Nintendo's attempt to upend the dominance of F2P is as contentious as we expected

By Rob Fahey

Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian: The Last of their Kind

The end of two of the industry's longest-running and most troubled development processes is a reminder of the excesses of the 2000s

By Rob Fahey

The mobile market in 2016 may portend major instability ahead

Pokemon Go was the only outsider title to top the charts, in another year defined by stagnation and the inexorable rise of East Asian publishers

By Rob Fahey

Facebook seeks to reignite the social spark

Instant Games is a clever, brilliant technology; but that alone won't be enough to restore the former kingpin of social gaming to a position lost five years ago

By Rob Fahey

Microsoft blows open the VR race with a quiet bombshell

It's not about Scorpio; competitively priced, cross-compatible headsets will finally give the PC a VR platform that can compete with Sony's PSVR

By Rob Fahey

Switch targets Japan's TV-less youth

One explanation for PS4's soft performance in Japan is low ownership of HDTVs among young people. Is Switch the answer?

By Rob Fahey

The merits of Star Citizen's development openness

Chris Roberts and his team take a lot of flak for the delays to their ambitious game, but their openness has earned the forgiveness of core fans

By Rob Fahey

Is PSVR Sony's quietest launch ever?

PSVR launches next week, but it's a quiet affair compared to Sony's usual bombastic launches. Why is the company holding fire?

By Rob Fahey

Influx of capital into eSports will force it to grow up

Traditional sports owners and executives getting into eSports will herald huge changes to the culture and business of the sector

By Rob Fahey

VR: There will be blood

The diversity of software already out there for VR is proof of a bubble; variety is great, but even if VR succeeds overall, many creators will be left behind

By Rob Fahey

No Man's Stream: Leaks Mar an Indie Milestone

Ignorance or cynical self-interest; there's no other explanation for broadcasting hours of footage of a leaked, unfinished game

By Rob Fahey

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